Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The one where Sister Wankier sees MIRACLES !!

 (November 1-6)

Monday pdays are wack !!! they really make the rest of the week feel WILD how do all y'all do that !! 
what's up 
this week has been LIT so just you wait!! 

Last pday so on Wednesday lol we got to go to the temple with all our homies from our zone !! we went for early morning baptisms and rode with Sister Coons and Wisniski!! it was so much fun to ride with them but the Halloween hangover went crazy haha we had to be at the temple so early and the night before we had a fun little apartment party with the hermanas and so when they came Sister Allred and I were struggling to stay awake haha 

after our sweet little temple trip we went to Dennys and had some BOMB breakfast or so we thought lol we all were SO hungry that when we ate it we all thought it was GAS best thing ever but in reality the straight line of liquid grease down my stomach really got me haha !! so after Sister allred and I stomachs full of crap, tried, and full on the spirit we CRASHED and took a nice FAT nap !!! then we got some twisted sugar with Racoon and Wis Khalifa and then got to see our homie trey!!! 

Trey was someone we met on a MIRACLE at whole foods while we were just talking to everyone and inviting everyone to church we got to chat with him and get his number and then this man ghosted us and so we tried to catch him again but never could but TODAY WAS THE DAY!!! Sister allred and I were talking about remembering it's God's work and not to worry just to follow the spirit and work hard and then there he was !! we got to chat more and then got him to save our number lol so that was so good !! we are working on getting him to come play flag football with us and come to church so ya know !! prayers up for our homie trey!! 

we also got caught after we got groceries by a sweet sweet members who brought us some NEEDED cleaning supplies and cookies lol and paper towels IT WAS GOATED !!! her and her daughters were SOOOO tender!!! and so sweet they got us all their favorite fruit which was sooooo cute !!!! miracles!!! 

Thursday was such a tender day we saw some BIG BIG miracles !!! we got to study at lake woodlands which was SO PRETTY our day was packed we were trying to get in contact with some of our part member families in our family ward and EACH ONE WE NEEDED WE MET and got their number and a follow up!!! GOD IS SO GOOD !! we met bella and mitch and then at dinner we got to have dinner with the sweetest family. the Hardy fam was a family I didn't know and hadn't had dinner with yet so we were pumped for the dinner !! and before dinner Sister Hardy let us know her mom isn't a member of our church and asked us to share a message with her. so we prayed and prayed and found what we wanted to talk about!! and then during dinner we were like this is kinda awkward but AN AWESOME family and so then we get to the message and while we were talking about our savior and his atonement, sweet sweet Rose their 4 year old daughter participated and shared the simplicity of jesus christs mercy, grace, and power !! and the spirit was SO powerful!! probably as powerful as it gets !! so when Sister Allred and I got into the car we were like kinda a rough dinner lol kinda awkward but the message WAS BOMB .. remember this for later lol 

Friday morning came and I have never been more stressed out in my life lol Karla my sweet convert here in the YSA was in a tough spot and was planning to move up to Conroe tx and told us about it and we said we would help in any way we could !!! so Friday morning at 8 am karla tells us she's moving at 10:30 .... SOOOOO we were on the texting grind haha we texted everyone and their dog LIKE FR FR it was tough no one was answering and those who answered couldn't and so it was TOUGH I was on my knees PLEEDING for anyone with a car who could help!! and suddenly Sister Lee THE GOAT came to mind and we texted her and she was like im there I'm bringing my truck and a SWEET SWEET ysa member Riley came in CLUTCH and brought her moms massive car and then we got the elders to come help and so we got a HUGE car and a truck packed up and up to Conroe !! karla has more stuff then those cards but was just grateful to have the help and she was planning on just doing the rest with her sister and brother in law and then Sister Lee OUR SAVING GRACE says I have time let's go get another load and so we got everything!!! EVERYTHING moved up to Conroe for Karla !! I have never felt more gratitude or christlike charity then from Sister lee it was one or those moments you will FOREVER remember I was SO STRESSED OUT trying to make it all work and praying SO HARD for a miracle and it came !!! in the moment I was so happy and so grateful but truly rewriting this is making me cry just thinking about this miracle it was top 3 miracles of my mission for sure. God is so good !! 

Friday night we had a lesson with veronica and Jackson and while we were teaching their family was setting up for Christmas and so in the background of our lesson was Christmas music so you ALREADY KNOW the spirit was soooooo powerful!! we taught and testified of the plan of salvation and let me tell you!! the spirit has everyone in TEARS we were just all taken back by the knowledge of God's love and grace !! his plan is perfect!!! if you need a good cry let me know we will talk about this and I PROMISE you will be in tears it's SOOO powerful!!

and then that night sister allred and I walked around the SUPER pretty waterway at the woodlands mall and just talked it was so much fun !!! 

Saturday we played flag football per usual!! and this week I got two touchdowns so ya know basically mvp lol it was awesome though we had some friends come and the members showed out so thay was SUPER awesome!! Saturday night we had an awesome dinner with the Garza family!! one last one with them and then I'm home 🥺🤭

Sunday came and was needed!!!! Sister allred and I were in the TRENCHES!!! we were deep in the trenches and we really couldn't figure out why !! I was so stressed and struggling it was bad !!!! but with fast sunday I had so many things on my mind and was fasting for answers and our friends and then during the testimony meetings we had SOME POWERFUL testimonies of sealing our families together for time and all eternity !! and blessing of serving a mission!! and God's love and strength and I was in tears and so was allred the spirit was SO powerful and such an answer to my prayers. and to put the sweet sweet cherry on top Sister Hardy got up to share her testimony. 

small p.s right here ... I am crying rn writing this again haha 

but Sister Hardy got up to share her testimony and shared that her mom felt the spirit of God in the lesson we taught and because we included Rose she was able to be a missionary and example at 4 years old for her grandma. Sister Hardy and her mom shared some SUPER tender moments talking about the gospel in a way she never got to before. she shared a testimony on how she knows we were suppose to be the missionaries here in this ward. at this time and were called to be here for her mom. TEARS !!!! STREAMING DOWN MY FACE!!! I truly cannot express to you how much I needed to hear that. I was STRUGGLING and felt like my head was barely above the water and especially feeling like I was failing as a missionary here in this ward. it's been a tough ward and has been hard to her them to trust the missionaries and it's been my goal my whole time here to help build the bridge between the missionaries and the ward members and Satan has had a big hold on me. and was reminding me I wasn't good enough and didn't do anything. and then Sister Hardy came in and SAVED ME !! the confirmation that God was proud of me and so was Sister Hardy and then even getting a little miracle text from my mom was just such a sweet sweet spiritual moment!!!! 

God is Good 

and then today our Monday pday we got to go to old town Tomball Texas and walk main street and enjoy lunch with Sister Morrell !! so that was AMAZING we had dinner with my FAVS sister o'neal and her kids too and that was just another MIRACLE the word or the week is miracles serious!!! God is so good !!! OH ALSO our trader Jo's mascot is a turtle names TIMMY LIKE WHAT we had to go find timmy !!!!! we had a blast looking for our homie !!! 

anyways one more of these y'all 

see you SO VERY SOON !!! 

Sister Wankier 